Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History (Volume 1-5)


Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History (Volume 1-5)
2220 Pages l PDF l Berkshire Publishing Group l 230 MB

The Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History is the first true encyclopedic reference on world history. It is designed to meet the needs of students, teachers, and scholars who seek to explore — and understand — the panorama of our shared history of humans. Anyone who loves history — including those who are making history today — will find this work an endless source of fascinating, thought-provoking coverage of events, people, patterns, and processes.

The encyclopedia takes a dynamic world history perspective, showing connections and interactions and change over time and place. Major articles by leading scholars, including Martin Marty and Immanuel Wallerstein, examine essential themes and patterns such as Art, Disease, Government, Religion, Science, and War and Peace. Branching out from these overviews are hundreds of articles on processes, movements, places, events, and people. Students and teachers at the high school and college levels, as well as scholars and professionals, will turn to this definitive work for a connected, holistic, view of world history — the story of humans and their place in the universe.

Unique Features
* In-depth coverage of 250,000 years of human existence
* Synthesis of knowledge from paleoanthropology, archaeology, geology, and geography
* Emphasis on cultural contact and social change over time and place
* Comparisons across time and place
* Resource for AP World History classes and exam
* Extensive coverage of arts, literature, religion, and science
* Biographies of 100 leaders who shaped world history
* Preface and major articles by senior editor William H. McNeill
* “Book-within-a-Book” survey of Foraging, Agrarian, and Modern Eras by editor David Christian

* Five volumes; 2,500 pages
* 550 signed articles by 330 scholars
* Overviews of core topics
* 550 primary text sidebars
* 500 illustrations and photos
* 60 original maps; 30 historical maps
* Preface and articles by William H. McNeill
* Topical outline and comprehensive index

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